IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro
Suriyah, Puput
Kusmayadi, Tri Atmojo
Usodo, Budi
LB Theory and practice of education
2020-06-29 02:29:02
Abstract :
The aims of this research wereto know: (1) which one is providing better mathematics learning achievement, students taught using cooperative learning of STAD with guided discovery learning, STADor direct learning,(2) which one is havingbetter mathematics learning achievement, students with Adversity Quotient (AQ) climbers, students with AQ campersor students with AQ quitters,(3) ateach learning model, whether there are any mathematics learning achievement difference between students with AQ climbers, students with AQ campersor students with AQ quitters,(4) at each type of Adversity Quotient(AQ), whetherthereareany mathematics learning achievement difference between students taught using cooperative learning of STAD with guided discovery learning,STADor direct learning. This research wasa quasi experimental research using 3x3 factorial designs. The hypotheses testing used two ways ANOVA with unbalancedcell.This research concludes that: (1) students taught using cooperative learning of STAD with Guided Discovery Learninghave better mathematics learning achievement than the students taught using STADand direct instruction, as well as students who were taught using STADhave better mathematics learning achievement than the group of students taught using direct instruction,(2) students achievement with the climbers type of AQ werebetter than the students with the campers and quitterstypeof AQwhile the students with the campers type of AQhave better mathematics learning achievement than the students with the quitters type of AQ,(3) in thecooperative learning of STAD with guided discovery learning, there was no difference in learning achievement in each type of AQ,in the STAD,there was no difference in learning achievement in each type of AQ,inthe direct instruction, students with climbers type of AQhave better mathematicslearning achievement than students with quitters type of AQ, (4)for the students who have climbers type of AQ,there was no difference in learning achievement in each learning models,for the students who have campers type of AQ,STAD with guided discovery learningproducedbetter mathematics achievement than direct instruction,for the students who have quitters type of AQ,STAD with guided discovery learningproducedbetter mathematics achievement than direct instruction.Keywords:STAD With Guided Discovery Learning,Adversity Quotient,Mathematics Learning Achievement