Abstract :
Agustina, Yuyun. 2019. The Effectiveness of Using Pictures to Improve Students Speaking Skill (An Experimental Study at the 7th Grade student of Junior High School in Academic Year 2018/2019), Thesis, English Education Department, Faculty of Language and Arts Education. Advisor I Ima Isnaini Taufiqur Rohmah M.Pd Advisor II Oktha Ika Rahmawati M.Pd
Keywords: The effectiveness, pictures, speaking skill.
The objectives of the study to know the effectiveness of using picture to improve students speaking skill, and to know the advantages and also the disadvantages of using picture to improve students speaking skill in 7th grade of SMP Negeri 5 Cepu in academic year 2018/2019. The population of this study is the 7th grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Cepu in academic year 2018/2019 which consist of 6 classes VII A,VII B,VII C, VII D, VII E and VII F. This study use cluster random sampling. Took the two classes in the 7th grade of Junior High School in academic year 2018/2019. Class VII C was taken as control group and class VII D was taken as experimental group.
The experimental group was taught by using pictures and the controlled group was taught by using conventional method. Based on the computation result indicates that teaching speaking by using pictures as media provides an effective increase in students' speaking skills when compared to conventional methods. This is evidenced by the significant value posttest assessment of students is 0,000 so that the significance value below 0.05 so there are differences in the average value of students as it provides learning method in the control group and the experimental. This means that the learning method that is given has an effect on students' speaking skill. In the experimental group after being given treatment with image media obtained an average value of students in students' speaking abilities is 76.83. In the control group after treatment with the conventional method obtained an average value of students in students' speaking abilities that is 67.00.