Abstract :
RETONO/ 2019, increased Poetry Writing by using PR Methods and visual audio in Class X Science I Students of SMP 3 Bancar. Thesis, Indonesian Language and Literature Edusation Program, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, IKIIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Supervison (I) Dr. Agus Darmuki, M.Pd., (II) Cahyo Hasanudin, M.Pd
This study aims 1) to determine the application of learning to write poetry by using the quantum learning and video media, 2) to determne the improvement of pietry writing skills by applying the quantum learning method and video media.
This research method is a quantum learning method, quntum learning is interacrions that convert energy into light. Pq4R starts at super camp, an accelerated program offered by learning forums. PR provides a strategy in the process of sharpening understanding. this type of research is classroom Action Research (CAR). The location of this research is at 3, Bancar High School. The data source in this syudy is the result of learning evaluarion, observarion and documentation. Data collection procedures using test and non-test techniques. Data analysys techniques using qualitative descriptive analysisi techniqyes and quantitative techniques. Qualitative analysis is done by describing data on student and teacher test results and between cycles. Quantitative analysis is used to calculate numbers or values from data collection.
The results if this syudy indicate the use of quantum learning methods and video media on poetry writing skills material can be seen from each aspect, the first adpect in the first cycle was 18 students (66.6%), the second aspect was 10 students (37.0%), the third was 9 students (33.3%) then 19 students (70.4), the fifth aspect is 20 students (74.0), 19 students (70,4%) 19 students (70.4%), 22 students (81.5%) and 22 students (81.5%). The average value of each cycle = 4.98 in the pre-cycle stage, in the first cycle of 6.77, then increased in the second cycle to 78.