Abstract :
The research aims to investigate the effect of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) on purchase intention, the effect of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) on trust, and the effect of trust on purchase intention. The data of this research was tested using SPSS with the total amount of sample is 102 respondents and the area of this research in Depok. The research use spear-man rho correlation method and logistic regression to analyses the data. The results show that electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) has a positive effect on trust and has a positive effect on customer purchase intention but there was not fully significant on 95%. However , trust independently has the lowest significany towards purchase intention. Trust is not a stand-alone factor that leads to costumer's intention. Trust is not a stand-alone factor that leads to customer's intention to purchase gadgets but should combine with e-WOM to develop intention towards gadgets, especially for millennial. Based on the findings of this research the author expects this research to contribute towards future studies that observes similar variables and their relationship. Further discussion and research are needed to gain more varied samples and other millennial's perspective on mobile gadgets. And this research also offers additional guidlines to gadget companies on how to improve their strategy to target specific market.