Abstract :
Despite that 80% of marketers find influencer marketing effective and that 89% ROI (Return on Investment) from influencer marketing is comparable to or better that other marketing channels, the use of Instagram influencer has not considered as a strategy and tools to improve sales. Only 17% of marketers spend over half their budget on influencer marketing, and the majority of marketers spend less than 10% on influencer marketing. The main factors that influenced the actual purchase according to theory of planned behavior (TPB) are intention to purchase, attitude toward purchase, subjective norm, perceived behavior control. Little has been known about the moderating effect of Instagram Influence marketing in the relationship between intention to purchase and actual purchase. The objective of the study is to investigate the moderating role of Instagram influencer marketing in the relationship between purchase intention and actual purchase in the framework of theory of planned behavior (TPB). The population observed is instagram user and follower of influencer in Instagram, using purposive sampling. The sample size was 775 collected during the period of Aug to Nov 2021.