Abstract :
Currently the Indonesian government is implementing the renewable energy program as a raw material for energy substituting for fosil energy. The government is intensifying the development of biomass-based power plants. Bamboo can be the right choice to become the raw material for PLTBm (biomass power plant). Madobag Village bamboo in mentawai island is very easy to plant and can grow very well, so to build a bamboo PLTBm in Madobag village is the right choice. Currently the condition of electricity in Madobag village is very lacking because the electricity supply can only be a maximum of 10 hours per day and the electricity supply comes from diesel-fueled generators so that the continuity of electricity supply for Madobag village is not sustainable, therefore, renewable energy sources can contribute to a sustainability electricity generation system. Three major resources, hydropower, solar, and biomass are considered. This research aims to identify whether bamboo is the most appropriate raw material. For PLTBm in Madobag village. The multi-perspective approach of AHP model was used to decide on the source of energy feasibility. The first level in the AHP model is the goal, followed by criteria on the second level, sub-criteria on the third level, and alternatives on the fourth level. In this AHP Model, the concept sustainable development will be seen in the criteria and sub criteria because this is the most important element to achieve the goal. The result shown that bamboo is the best option to be used as a source of renewable energy, followed by hydro power and solar. With this AHP model analysis, the study contributes to the body of knowledge on the decision making to determine renewable energy, and secondly the district government can use bamboo for new and renewable energy sources in another village in mentawai island or west Sumatera province.