Abstract :
Finance Companies are currently required to carry out digital transformation as well to anticipate business competition with Fintech (Finance Technology). BFI company developed Application "BFIku" to provide convenience service to the agents and customers. However, since it was launched in 2017, the number of users of application is only 100.000 whilst the number of total customers is 450.000. The main factors that influenced the intention to use technology is Performance Expectancy,
Effort Expectancy and Social Influence. Little has been known about the moderating effect of the Trust in the relationship between those factors to intention to use of technology. The objective of the study is to investigate the most important features, and analyze the moderating effect of Trust in the UTAUT framework. The sample taken is the agent in Greate Jakarta Area, using non-probability, and purposive sampling. The sample size was 139 collected during July to Aug 2021. The data was analyzed using SPSS
v25 and Smart PLS3. The result indicated that there was a positive effect of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy and Social influence on Intention to use application. Trust is moderating the effect between Performance expectancy and intention to use mobile apps. However, Trust has no moderating effect between Effort expectancy and Social Influence on behaviour Intention. This moderating role has never been studied and is novelty to UTAUT framework and in the context of online financing company. The practical implication is the manager to consider Trust of the agent and consumer to improve the intention to use applications to increase better customer experience.