Abstract :
Fuel costs are one of the largest cost components that affect the calculation of operational costs for transportation companies. Factors that affect the fuel cost are truck configuration, geographical characteristics, firm size and driving behavior. driving behavior has a largest impact on vehicle fuel consumption. Driver assistance on vehicle is needed to give more effective and intelligent eco-driving. Fuel coaching system assists drivers in improving their eco-driving skills while driving UD Quest er. To understand better why driver accept or refuse using fuel coaching system feature and to explain, predict, and increase drivers' acceptance of fuel coaching system, a research framework based on the technology acceptance model is developed. In order to establish the relationship between drivers' behavior intention to use fuel coaching system, actual usage of fuel coaching system, perceived usefulness of fuel coaching system, perceived ease of it use, and other related variables such as perceived benefit and perceived risk, then structural equation modeling is used to examine and analyze the relationship among the variables. The result shows that the largest total effect to determine drivers? actual usage of Fuel Coaching System is drivers? behavior intention of using the feature (0.609), followed by perceived usefulness (0.419), perceived ease of use (3.262), and perceived benefit (0.302). On theoretical implication, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use has been the key drivers of behavioral intention which supported by perceived benefit and perceived risk on using Fuel Coaching System. These results indicate the practical value of the estimated model for guiding recommendations aimed at increasing drivers? behavior intention to accept Fuel Coaching System feature and at improving the driving behavior to reduce fuel consumption while driving UD Trucks Quester in Indonesia.