Abstract :
This research (thesis) investigates the effect of financial ratio (liquidity ratio, efficiency ratio, leverage ratio, profitability ratio and valuation ratio) on stock price return of LQ45 companies. The objects of this research are LQ45 companies which are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from period 2012 until 2016. There are several criteria to select the sample from LQ45 stocks. As a result, out of 79 companies, 20 companies are chosen to be used in this research. There are 11 independent variables used to perform the regression analysis against the dependent variable, which is the stock price return. The result of this research explains that only profitability ratio (ROA) and valuation ratio (D/Y) that give significant impact on the stock price return of LQ45 stocks for period 2012 until 2016. Meanwhile, the liquidity ratio, efficiency ratio and leverage ratio has negative impact, but not statistically significant on the stock price return of LQ45 stocks for period 2012 until 2016. The result of this research will help the reader to analyze only the financial ratios that give significant impact to the stock price return of LQ45 stocks.
Keywords: LQ45, IDX, Financial Ratio, Stock Price Return