Future career anxiety among college students, fresh graduates, and millenials in General : a collaboration with heart of people
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Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi
Christy, Angela Alfada
Arias, Valentina Lugo
H Social Sciences (General) 
2024-01-09 04:27:07 
Abstract :
The issue of mental health has increased among internet society, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. It is not uncommon to find college students admitting that they feel stressed, burdened with college assignments, disarranged work-life balance, online learning boredom, and other problems that affect their mental health. Particularly for final year college students and fresh graduates who mainly focus on future career preparation, it is undeniable that pressure is either from themselves, parents, family, or relatives, making them more stressed and anxious. As college students, and authors, indeed relate to this future career anxiety phenomenon, which encourages us to conduct a webinar entitled "worrying about your future career, is that normal?" as our community involvement project. This webinar was organized by collaborating with the heart of People community, inviting Addi Chandra as the founder of heart of people and psychologist. and Antonia Frenda as a professional worker to share her career anxiety experience. This webinar was open to the public and targeted college students, fresh graduates, or anyone who often feels anxious about their careers. The objective is to escalate participants' understanding of the importance of mental health for the future career, participants can obtain insights from professional workers on how to deal with stress, anxiety and other issues based on their choice of career, and provide a safe space for participants to relate about the discussed topics, and learn how to handle them. As a result, most participants are very satisfied with this webinar and can obtain helpful information for dealing with their career anxiety. 
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