Evaluasi Usability Website PLN Indo Ridlatama Power Menggunakan Metode Heuristic Evaluation dan Web Usability Evaluation Tool (WEBUSE)
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Institut Teknologi Kalimantan
Fadillah, Diva Ridha
QA Mathematics 
2023-12-13 03:51:03 
Abstract :
PLN Indo Ridlatama Power is a private agency in the electrical energy sector that has used websites as a medium for disseminating information. However, from the start of creating the website in 2019 until now, the PLN Indo Ridlatama Power website has never carried out a usability evaluation which has resulted in several problems that can be encountered, starting from the fact that there are still error page links, there are still buttons that don't work, and there are still many empty pages. . With the problems that had been found, a Usability Evaluation of the PLN Indo Ridlatama Power Website was carried out using the Heuristic Evaluation Method with the aim of getting usability evaluation results from the perspective of 5 experts which resulted in a total of 26 problems consisting of 25 bad aspects and 1 good aspect and 24 problems were obtained. requires improvement in accordance with usability success factors consisting of 3 problems with a scale of 1 Cosmetic Problem, 12 problems with a scale of 2 Minor Usability Problem, 8 solutions with a scale of 3 Major Usability Problem, and 1 problem with a scale of 4 usability disaster as well as recommendations for improvement referring to evaluator suggestions and supported by usability guidelines. It is also known that there is 1 problem that has not been repaired. The research was also carried out using the Webuse method with 10 participants who would become respondents to obtain usability evaluation results from the perspective of visitors to the PLN Indo Ridlatama Power website which resulted in problems focused on 5 question indicators with codes W1.2, W2.3 and W2.4. the level of usability is Medium (Medium), while the question indicators W1.1 and 4.2 obtained the level of usability Poor (Poor) with recommendations for improvement referring to usability guidelines. The code has meaning, for example Wangka.number (Webuse.Webuse Category.Question Number). It is also known that there are problems obtained in the Webuse research which were also obtained in the Heuristic Evaluation method research, namely problems with code W1.1 W1.2 W2.4. Finally, 28 illustrations of recommendations for improvement were obtained in the form of high fidelity mockups and 23 descriptions of problems. 
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Institut Teknologi Kalimantan