Pra Desain Pabrik Paracetamol Dari P- Nitropfenol
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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Widagda, Indra Cahya
Ahmad, Fathanudin
TP155.5 Chemical plants--Design and construction 
2023-07-31 07:02:23 
Abstract :
Pabrik Paracetamol dari bahan baku p-nitrophenol dilakukan melalui proses hidrogenasi dengan bantuan katalis Pt/C 1%. Keudian dilanjutkan dengan proses asetilasi dengan reagen asetat anhidrida. Pabrik Paracetamol ini direncanakan akan berjalan dengan kapasitas 4000 ton/tahun sepanjang 330 hari/tahun. Bahan baku yang digunakan dalam pembuatan paracetamol ini adalah p-nitrophenol. Pabrik ini direncanakan akan dibangun di Kawasan industri Cilegon, Banten, hal ini dipertimbangkan melalui beberapa aspek antara lain Ketersediaan bahan baku, pasar, tenaga kerja, utilitas, hukum peraturan iklim, dan fasilitas transportasi. Hidrogenasi katalitik pada proses ini dilakukan pada suhu 80oC dan tekanan 2,42 MPa menggunakan reaktor batch dan memiliki konversi 96-99% kemudian melalui proses asetilasi pada suhu 40oC dan tekanan atmosfir pada reaktor batch dengan konversi 83,6%. Berdasarkan Analisa ekonomi, diperoleh data bahwa pabrik ini ditaksir membutuhkan modal (CAPEX) sebesar Rp87,835,399,026 dan biaya operasional (OPEX) sebesar Rp3,878,654,530,405. berdasrkan Analisa ekonomi, pabrik paracetamol dengan kapasitas 4000 ton ini layak secara ekonomis. Berdasarkan Analisa ekonomi terhadap pabrik ini menunjukkan laju pengembalian modal (IRR) didapatkan sebesar 22.84%. Waktu pengembalian modal (POT) selama 3 tahun 1 bulan. NPV yang didapat juga bernilai positif sebesar Rp6,246,308,194,690. Dari data Analisa ekonomi diatas dismpulkan bahwa pabrik ini menguntungkan dan layak didirikan. ==================================================================================================================================== Paracetamol plant from p-nitrophenol as raw material is carried out through a hydrogenation process with the help of 1% Pt/C catalyst. Then proceed with the acetylation process with acetic anhydride reagent. The Paracetamol factory is planned to run with a capacity of 4000 tonnes/year for 330 days/year. The raw material used in the manufacture of paracetamol is p-nitrophenol. This factory is planned to be built in the Cilegon industrial area, Banten. This is considered through several aspects including the availability of raw materials, markets, labor, utilities, climate regulation laws, and transportation facilities. Catalytic hydrogenation in this process was carried out at a temperature of 80oC and a pressure of 2.42 MPa using a batch reactor and had a conversion of 96-99% then through an acetylation process at a temperature of 40oC and atmospheric pressure in a batch reactor with a conversion of 83.6%. Based on economic analysis, it was obtained data that this factory is estimated to require capital (CAPEX) of IDR 87,835,399,026 and operational costs (OPEX) of IDR 3,878,654,530,405. Based on economic analysis, this paracetamol factory with a capacity of 4000 tons is economically feasible. Based on the economic analysis of this factory, it shows that the rate of return on investment (IRR) is 22.84%. Payback period (POT) for 3 years 1 month. The NPV obtained is also a positive value of IDR 6,246,308,194,690. From the economic analysis data above, it can be concluded that this factory is profitable and feasible to establish. 
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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember