Implementasi Algoritma Linear Quadratic Regulator untuk Path Tracing pada Holonomic Service Robot
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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Rahmat, Alvan Nauval
TJ211 Robotics. 
2023-08-02 02:06:48 
Abstract :
Sistem navigasi merupakan bagian penting dalam pengembangan service robot. Sistem navigasi ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan jenis drive dari robot yang digunakan. Penggunaan holonomic drive berjenis omni wheel memungkinkan service robot bergerak secara omnidirectional tanpa mengubah orientasi. Namun, salah satu kekurangan dari drive jenis ini ialah adanya kecepatan yang saling mengeliminasi yang menyebabkan efisiensi pergerakan robot berkurang. Dari permasalahan tersebut, perlu dirancang sebuah sistem navigasi beserta path tracking yang dapat meminimalkan cost-function pergerakan robot. Pendekatan yang dilakukan pada path tracking berupa waypoints yang terdiri dari banyak titik. Sistem ini terdiri dari algoritma pure pursuit sebagai pemilihan titik referensi, Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) sebagai kontrol posisi, beserta kontroler proportional-integral-derivative (PID) pada motor sebagai kontrol kecepatan. Sistem diuji dengan berbagai kasus yang merepresentasikan tugas service robot sebagai robot pelayan, yaitu perpindahan titik ke titik dan path tracking dengan variasi lintasan. Sistem juga diuji dengan parameter kontrol yang berbeda dan perbandingan respons dengan menggunakan variasi kontroler. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi dan implementasi, LQR untuk path tracking telah berhasil diimplementasikan pada service robot. Hal ini dapat dilihat saat pengujian lintasan sejauh 19.33 m didapatkan RMSE, eror maksimal, serta steady state error berturut-turut sebesar 2.52 cm, 6.13 cm, 4.72 cm. Pengujian costfunction menunjukkan kontroler LQR lebih hemat 33.94% dibandingkan kontroler PD dan 18.20% dari kontroler PID ===================================================================================================================================== The navigation system is an important part of the development of service robots. This navigation system is closely related to the type of drive used by the robot. The use of holonomic drives of the omni wheel allows the service robot to move omnidirectionally without changing its orientation. However, one of the drawbacks of this type of drive is that there are seed that eliminate each other which causes the efficiency of the robot's movement to decrease. From these problems, it is necessary to design a navigation system along with path tracking that can minimize the cost-function of robot movement. The approach taken to this path tracking is in the form of waypoints consisting of many points. This system consists of a pure pursuit algorithm as a reference point selection, a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) as a position control, along with a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller on the motor as a speed control. The system was tested with various cases that represented the service robot's task as a service robot, namely point-to-point movement and path tracking with various trajectories. The system was also tested with different control parameters and response comparisons using a variety of controllers. Based on the simulation and implementation results, LQR for path tracking has been successfully implemented in the service robot. This can be seen when testing with the path length 19.33 m, the RMSE, maximum error, and steady state error are obtained, respectively, of 2.52 cm, 6.13 cm, and 4.72 cm. Cost-function testing shows that the LQR controller is 33.94% more efficient than the PD controller and 18.20% more efficient than the PID controller. 
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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember