Evaluasi Keselamatan Kerja dengan Systems Theoretic Process Analysis dan Assesmen Tingkat Kematangan Organisasi menurut Prinsip High Reliability Organizations
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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Ulwan, Muhammad Nashih
T55 Industrial Safety 
2023-09-01 08:34:12 
Abstract :
Keilmuan serta implementasi keselamatan kerja pada lingkup industri/organisasi terus berkembang hingga saat ini. Penerapannya memiliki berbagai kompleksitas yang menjadi tantangan. Kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi tidak hanya sebatas dapat diamati sebagai sebuah kejadian yang disebabkan oleh 1 penyebab. Akan tetapi terdapat berbagai aktivitas serta faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab secara kausalitas sehingga sebuah insiden dapat terjadi. Konsep Safety-III dengan Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) sebagai metode analisis bahaya pada sistem dilakukan pada Section Y PT X. Observasi secara langsung dilakukan terkait proses serta bahaya yang ada pada objek amatan, Sehingga dihasilkan bahaya apa saja yang ada berdasarkan pengendalian/kontrol tidak aman dan faktor penyebab kejadian pada sistem. Didapatkan total sebanyak 29 unsafe control actions yang mungkin dapat dilakukan dari 11 fungsi kontrol pada seksi amatan. Selain itu, pengukuran tingkat kematangan organisasi dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip High Reliability Organizations (HRO) dengan metode kuesioner dan observasi pada Section Y PT X. Sehingga didapatkan nilai assesmen pada masing-masing aspek HRO dengan nilai tingkat kematangan organisasi sebesar 3,903 (calculative level). Kemudian dilakukan analisis, terutama keterkaitan antara salah satu prinsip HRO yaitu problem anticipation yang berisi preoccupation with failure, reluctance to simplify, & sensitivity to operations. Seluruh konsep dari aspek-aspek dalam prinsip problem anticipation pada HRO relevan dengan konsep Safety-III. Usulan penelitian adalah matriks keterkaitan yang didasarkan pada risk assessment matrix. Selain itu diusulkan juga rekomendasi perbaikan perihal keselamatan dan bahaya pada sistem dari seksi yang diamati beserta dimensi lain HRO seperti just culture, learning orientation, mindful leadership, dan containment of unexpected events. Fokus rekomendasi peningkatan kinerja keselamatan kerja ada pada aspek individual accountability, preoccupation with failure, reluctance to simplify, continuous technical training dan engagement with front line staff. Selain itu diberikan saran hasil dari pengaplikasian STPA untuk mengidentifikasi tindakan pengendalian tidak aman pada amatan. ================================================================================================================================= The implementation of occupational safety in the scope of industry/organization continues to grow until now. Its implementation has various complexities that pose a challenge. Work accidents that occur are not only limited to being observed as an event caused by 1 cause. However, there are various activities and factors that cause causality so that an incident can occur. The Safety-III concept with Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) as a method of analyzing hazards in the system was carried out at Section Y PT X. Direct observation is carried out related to the process and hazards that exist in the object of observation, so as to produce what hazards exist based on unsafe controls / controls and factors causing events in the system. A total of 29 unsafe control actions that may be performed from 11 control functions in the observed section were obtained. In addition, the measurement of the maturity level of the organization was carried out based on the principles of High Reliability Organizations (HRO) with questionnaire and observation methods in Section Y PT X. So that the assessment value is obtained in each aspect of HRO with an organizational maturity level value of 3.903 (calculative level). Then the analysis is carried out, especially the relationship between one of the HRO principles, namely problem anticipation which contains preoccupation with failure, reluctance to simplify, & sensitivity to operations. All concepts from the aspects of the problem anticipation principle in HRO are relevant to the Safety-III concept. The research proposal is a linkage matrix based on the risk assessment matrix. In addition, recommendations for improvement regarding safety and hazards in the system of the observed section along with other dimensions of HRO such as just culture, learning orientation, mindful leadership, and containment of unexpected events are also proposed. The focus of safety performance improvement recommendations is on the aspects of individual accountability, preoccupation with failure, reluctance to simplify, continuous technical training and engagement with front line staff. In addition, the results of the application of STPA to identify unsafe control measures at the observation are suggested. 
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