Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Bilhaq, Muhammad Dzulhimam
G155 Tourism
2023-07-31 04:14:04
Abstract :
Kawasan wisata pesisir timur Kota Surabaya telah ditetapkan di kawasan yaitu Kawasan Pamurbaya dan Kawasan mix use pendukung Pariwisata Bahari. Penetapan kawasan wisata tersebut bertujuan untuk peningkatan ekonomi dari segi pariwisata dan perbaikan lingkungan wilayah pesisir Kota Surabaya. Namun dibalik potensi pariwisata di pesisir timur Surabaya, terdapat bencana yang muncul akibat perubahan iklim berupa kenaikan muka air laut yang dapat menyebabkan banjir (rob) dan abrasi. Hal tersebut berdampak pada (1) kerugian fisik; dan (2) kerugian lingkungan. Maka dari itu, diperlukan strategi upaya adaptasi yang tepat terhadap bencana yang muncul akibat perubahan iklim di kawasan wisata pesisir timur Kota Surabaya. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari lima tahap. Tahap pertama menggunakan regresi linier dan raster calculator dengan bantuan aplikasi ArcGis untuk mendapatkan peta persebaran genangan banjir rob. Tahap kedua menggunakan Digital Sholine Analysis System (DSAS) untuk mendapatkan peta persebaran perubahan garis pantai di sepanjang pesisir timur Kota Surabaya. Tahap ketiga menggunakan tools overlay pada ArcGis dan proses klasifikasi yang menghasilkan peta kerentanan pesisir. Tahap keempat menggunakan metode overlay antara guna lahan dan peta kerentanan untuk mengetahui dampak fisik dan lingkungan. Tahap kelima menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif untuk merumuskan strategi upaya adaptasi terhadap bencana akibat perubahan iklim. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terkait kerentanan dan hasil overlay dengan penggunaan lahan didapatkan guna lahan yang terdampak, baik fisik maupun lingkungan adalah kawasan perikanan budidaya, kawasan ekosistem mangrove, kawasan permukiman, dan kawasan pariwisata. Kerugian fisik yang diterima dapat berupa perubahan garis pantai hingga kerusakan infrastruktur. Kerugian lingkungan yang diterima dapat berupa penurunan kualitas lingkungan akibat berkurangnya luasan hutan mangrove dan masuknya air laut ke daratan yang dapat mengganggu ekosistem air tawar. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif kualitatif ditentukan strategi upaya adaptasi secara akomodatif, proteksi alami, dan proteksi buatan.
The east coast tourism area of Surabaya City has been established in the Pamurbaya area and the mix use area supporting Maritime Tourism. The establishment of the tourist area aims to improve the economy in terms of tourism and environmental improvement of the coastal areas of Surabaya City. However, behind the tourism potential on the east coast of Surabaya, there are disasters that arise due to climate change in the form of sea level rise which can cause flooding (rob) and abrasion. This has an impact on (1) physical losses; and (2) environmental losses. Therefore, an appropriate adaptation strategy is needed for disasters that arise due to climate change in the east coast tourist area of Surabaya City. The methodology used in this research consists of five stages. The first stage uses linear regression and raster calculator with the help of ArcGis application to get the distribution map of tidal flood inundation. The second stage used Digital Sholine Analysis System (DSAS) to obtain a map of the distribution of shoreline changes along the east coast of Surabaya City. The third stage uses overlay tools in ArcGis and classification process that produces coastal vulnerability maps. The fourth stage uses the overlay method between land use and vulnerability maps to determine physical and environmental impacts. The fifth stage uses qualitative descriptive analysis to formulate strategies for adaptation efforts to disasters due to climate change. Based on the results of the analysis related to vulnerability and the results of overlaying with land use, it is found that the affected land uses, both physical and environmental, are aquaculture areas, mangrove ecosystem areas, residential areas, and tourism areas. Physical losses received can be in the form of changes in coastline to infrastructure damage. Environmental losses received can be in the form of a decrease in environmental quality due to the reduction in the area of mangrove forests and the entry of sea water into the mainland which can disrupt freshwater ecosystems. Based on qualitative descriptive analysis, adaptation strategies of accommodation, natural protection, and artificial protection are determined