Abstract :
Kecamatan Mojoroto menghasilkan sampah mencapai 77 ton/hari. Reduksi sampah yang dilakukan saat ini belum optimal sehingga masih banyak sampah yang terangkut ke TPA. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan upaya reduksi sampah untuk meminimalisir timbunan sampah di TPA. Reduksi telah dilakukan di Kecamatan Mojoroto melalui fasilitas pengelolaan sampah yang terdiri atas 9 unit TPS, 1 unit TPS 3R, dan 26 unit bank sampah yang mereduksi sampah sebelum diangkut ke TPA. Dalam mengoptimalkan aktivitas reduksi diperlukan kajian untuk mengetahui potensi reduksi yang ada di Kecamatan Mojoroto. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memetakan kondisi fasilitas reduksi sampah dan menganalisis reduksi sampah di Kecamatan Mojoroto. Selain itu, penelitian bertujuan menganalisis aspek teknis dan finansial fasilitas pengelolaan sampah di Kecamatan Mojoroto. Penelitian dilakukan pada fasilitas pengelolaan sampah eksisting yang dipilih melalui purposive sampling. Pemetaan dilakukan pada seluruh fasilitas eksisting. Laju timbulan sampah dihitung melalui load count analysis. Komposisi sampah dianalisis menggunakan quarter method. Alur material sampah dianalisis dengan MFA STAN 2.7. Kondisi aspek teknis dan finansial fasilitas pengelolaan sampah diperoleh dengan metode kuesioner dan wawancara kepada narasumber yang memahami operasional dan pengelolaan fasilitas terpilih. Hasil dari penelitian yakni berdasarkan pemetaan 26 unit bank sampah merupakan bank sampah unit. Selain itu, 9 unit TPS dan 1 unit TPS 3R belum beroperasi dengan optimal sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Laju timbulan sampah Kecamatan Mojoroto adalah 0,68 kg/orang.hari dengan total sampah 77.896,04 kg/hari. Komponen sampah terbesarnya adalah jenis sampah dapat dikomposkan (68,91%). Sampah dapat didaur ulang memiliki persentase komposisi sebesar 17,42%. Pengelolaan sampah eksisting di Kecamatan Mojoroto terdiri atas 5,76% pengurangan dan 33,19% penanganan. Melalui skenario ideal pengelolaan sampah dapat ditingkatkan menjadi 30% pengurangan dan 70% penanganan. Berdasarkan analisis aspek finansial, TPS 3R tidak layak secara ekonomi pada kondisi eksisting dan layak secara ekonomi pada skenario ideal.
Mojoroto District produced waste up to 77 tons/day. Waste reduction currently was unoptimal causing a lot of waste transported to landfill. Therefore, waste reduction is needed to minimize landfill disposal. Reduction has been made in Mojoroto District through waste management facilities consisting of 9 units TPS, 1 units TPS 3R, and 26 units waste bank, which perform reduction before disposal. For optimizing reduction activities, study is needed to determine reduction potential in Mojoroto District. This study aims to map the condition of waste reduction facilities and analyze waste reduction in Mojoroto District. Additionally, this study aims to analyze technical and financial aspects of waste management facilities in Mojoroto District. Research was conducted on existing waste management facilities selected through purposive sampling. Mapping was carried out on all existing facilities. Waste generation was calculated through load count analysis. Waste composition was analyzed using the quarter method. Waste material flow was analyzed using MFA STAN 2.7 software. Technical and financial aspect of waste management facility obtained by questionnaires and interviews with persons who understand operation and management of selected facilities. The result of study based on mapping in 26 units waste bank facilities, there were only unit waste banks. In addition, 9 units TPS and 1 unit TPS 3R have not operated optimally in accordance with applicable regulations. Waste generation rate in Mojoroto District was 0.68 kg/person.day, with total waste 77,896.04 kg/day. The largest component of waste was compostable waste (68.91%). Recyclable waste had composition percentage of 17.42%. Existing waste management in Mojoroto District was consisted of 5.76% reduction and 33.19% handling. Through ideal scenario, waste management can be increased to 30% reduction and 70% handling. Based on analysis of financial aspects, TPS 3R was economically unfeasible in existing conditions and economically feasible in ideal scenario