Abstract :
Pada Handbook of energy and economic statistic of Indonesia 2021 tercatat bahwa sektor transportasi merupakan sektor dominan sebagai pengguna energi. Sebesar 42,24 % energi telah digunakan untuk sektor transportasi. Indonesia memiliki potensi Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT) 417.8 GW, namun yang baru dipakai sebanyak 2,5 %. Energi surya merupakan EBT yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan pada sektor industri khususnya pada sektor transportasi. Dengan adanya trend bus intra kampus yang semakin meningkat, maka terdapat potensi pengembangan desain intrakampus ITS. Dengan demikian diharapkan pengembangan desain kendaraan intra kampus ITS di sisi eksterior dan interior dapat mengarah ke electric vehicle dengan memanfaatkan solar energy. Metode penelitian tersebut antara lain product planning & research, objective, design & package ideation, serta benchmarking & proportion. Dari analisis tersebut, didapatkan desain requirement and objective dari segi performa, desain, dan fitur. Kemudian divisualisikan menjadi konsep desain hingga menjadi final desain berupa 3d model.
The Handbook of energy and economic statistics of Indonesia 2021 notes that the transportation sector is the dominant sector as an energy user. 42.24% of the energy has been used for the transportation sector. Indonesia has the potential for New and Renewable Energy (EBT) of 417.8 GW, but only 2.5% is used. Solar energy is an EBT that has not been widely utilized in the industrial sector, especially in the transportation sector. With the increasing trend of intra-campus buses, there is potential for the development of ITS intra-campus designs. It is hoped that the development of ITS intra-campus vehicle designs on the exterior and interior sides can lead to electric vehicles by utilizing solar energy. The research methods include product planning & research, objectives, design & package ideation, as well as benchmarking & proportion. From this analysis, design requirements and objectives were obtained in terms of performance, design and features. Then it is visualized into a design concept until it becomes a final design in the form of a 3d model.