Pemodelan Pengaturan Frekuensi pada Diesel Generator Kapal dengan Pengendali PID
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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Romadlan, Achmad Taufik
VM731 Marine Engines 
2023-09-04 08:14:20 
Abstract :
Diesel generator merupakan mesin penghasil daya listrik yang digunakan untuk memasok kebutuhan listrik di beberapa industri, seperti industri perkapalan. Pada beberapa kapal, diesel generator digunakan sebagai pemasok listrik utama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik di masing-masing kondisi operasinal kapal. Kebutuhan listrik kapal pada masing-masing kondisi operasinal memiliki perbedaan, sehingga sering kali terjadi penurunan ataupun lonjakan frekuensi yang memengaruhi operasional peralatan pada kapal. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan pengaturan frekuensi pada diesel generator kapal. Pada penelitian ini, dimodelkan sistem pengaturan frekuensi pada diesel generator kapal dengan kontrol PID. Pemodelan tersebut terdiri dari diesel engine governor, generator, sistem eksitasi, kebutuhan daya listrik, dan kontrol PID. Nilai setiap parameter kontrol PID memengaruhi respon frekuensi generator ketika terjadi perubahan kebutuhan daya. Sehingga, dilakukan tuning nilai PID dengan menggunakan metode ziegler-nichols, analitik, ataupun dengan software simulink matlab. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan simulasi pada software simulink matlab. Sistem pengaturan frekuensi diesel generator disimulasikan pada dua kondisi operasional kapal, yaitu sailing dan arriving & leaving. Hasil simulasi yang didapatkan respon sistem pada pembebanan sailing without tank cleaning, rise time pada detik ke 0.218 dengan frekuensi sebesar 59.941 Hz, overshoot 60.572 Hz dan undershoot 57.502 Hz, serta settling time 0.929 detik. Dan ketika terjadi penambahan pembebanan saat kondisi arriving & leaving, rise time terjadi pada detik ke 20.154 (0.154 detik setelah terjadi penambahan pembebanan), nilai overshoot frekuensi sebesar 60.187 Hz, nilai undershoot sebesar 59.39 Hz, dan settling time berada pada 20.539 detik (0.539 detik setelah terjadi penambahan pembebanan). Respon sistem yang didapatkan telah sesuai dengan standar frekuensi BKI, dimana overshoot dan undershoot yang diizinkan ialah + 10% dari frekuensi yang telah ditetapkan (54 Hz hingga 66 Hz) dengan settling time tidak lebih dari 5 detik. ================================================================================================================================= Diesel generator is a power-generating machine used to supply electricity demand in some industries, such as the shipping industry. On several ships, diesel generator is used as the main power supplier to fulfill the power demand in each of the ship's operating conditions. The ship's electricity demand in each operating condition has a difference, so there is often a decrease or increase in frequency that affects the operation of equipment on the ship. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the frequency of the ship's diesel generator. In this research, the frequency control system of the ship's diesel generator with PID control is modeled. The modeling consists of diesel engine governor, generator, excitation system, electrical power demand, and PID control. The PID control parameter values affect the generator frequency response when there is a change in power demand. So, PID parameter tuning is performed using the ziegler-nichols method, analytics, or with matlab simulink software. This research was simulated on simulink matlab software. The diesel generator frequency control system is simulated under two ship operational conditions: sailing without tank cleaning and arriving & leaving. Simulation results obtained system response to sailing without tank cleaning, rise time at the second to 0.218 with a frequency of 59.941 Hz, overshoot 60.572 Hz and undershoot 57.502 Hz, and settling time 0.929 seconds. And when there is additional loading during arriving & leaving conditions, the rise time occurs at the second to 20.154 (0.154 seconds after the addition of loading), the frequency overshoot value is 60.187 Hz, the undershoot value is 59.39 Hz, and the settling time is at 20.539 seconds (0.539 seconds after the addition of loading). The system response obtained is in accordance with the BKI frequency standard, where the permissible overshoot and undershoot are + 10% of the predetermined frequency (54 Hz to 66 Hz) with a settling time of no more than 5 seconds. 
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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember