Analisa Ketidakpastian Pengujian Open Water Model Propeller di Laboratorium Teknologi Hidrodinamika
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Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Machfudin, Andik
VM161 Ships--Hydrodynamics 
2023-07-31 04:15:44 
Abstract :
Penilaian ketidakpastian sangat penting dilakukan untuk semua kegiatan pengukuran terutama pengukuran di Laboratorium Uji untuk menjamin mutu hasil pengujian. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui nilai ketidakpastian pengujian open water propeller yang diuji di Towing Tank, Laboratorium Teknologi Hidrodinamika. Beberapa variabel yang merupakan sumber kesalahan percobaan yang meliputi geometri, kecepatan, putaran , thrus, torsi dan temperatur merupakan nilai ketidakpastian dari masing-masing sumber ketidakpastian yang mempengaruhi nilai total ketidakpastian pengujian open water. Analisa ketidakpastian pengujian open water model propeller tipe B-series berdaun 4 dengan geometri diameter 157,59 mm, pitch rasio 1,133 dan Blade Area Rasio (BAR) 0,65 berdasarkan prosedur yang direkomendasikan ITTC yang mengacu pada International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (1995). Pengujian open water dilakukan dengan berulang pada 3 koefisen advance yang berbeda. Simulasi CFD open water model propeller dengan kondisi yang sama dengan pengujian, dan hasil simulasi divalidasi dengan hasil pengujian di Towing Tank. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, pada pengujian eksperimental didapatkan nilai ketidakpastian total untuk koefisien thrust, KT adalah 98.1% dan untuk koefisien torsi, KQ nilainya 99.4 . Ketidakpastian validasi koefisien thrust sebesar 1,72% hingga 2,36% dan ketidakpastian validasi koefisien torsi 3,87% hingga 4,81% untuk tiga jenis advance coefficient. Hasil analisa ketidakpastian untuk pengujian open water eksperimental dan simulasi masih dalam batas wajar kisaran yang dapat diterima dari tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Dari hasil penelitian, kedepannya dapat ditentukan metode pengujian yang mendukung hasil pengujian dengan tingkat penyimpangan rendah. =================================================================================================================================== Uncertainty assessment is very important for all measurement activities, especially measurements in the Test Laboratory to ensure the quality of the test results. The purpose of the study was to determine the uncertainty value of open water propeller testing that was tested in the Towing Tank, Hydrodynamic Technology Laboratory. Several variables that are sources of experimental error including geometry, speed, rotation, thrust, torque and temperature are the uncertainty values of each source of uncertainty that affect the total uncertainty value of open water testing. Uncertainty analysis of open water testing of a 4-leaf B-series propeller model with geometry diameter 157.59 mm, pitch ratio 1.133 and Blade Area Ratio (BAR) 0.65 based on ITTC recommended procedures referring to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (1995). The open water test was repeated at 3 different advance coefficients. CFD open water simulation of the propeller model under the same conditions as the test, and the simulation results were validated with the test results in the Towing Tank. From the research conducted, the experimental test obtained the total uncertainty value for the thrust coefficient, KT is 98.1% and for the torque coefficient, KQ is 99.4. The thrust coefficient validation uncertainty is 1.72% to 2.36% and the torque coefficient validation uncertainty is 3.87% to 4.81% for three types of advance coefficient. The results of the uncertainty analysis for experimental and simulated open water testing are still within the acceptable range of the 95% confidence level. From the results of the study, in the future, test methods that support test results with a low level of deviation can be determined. 
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