Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Afristo, Bayu Arnell Premdan
TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
2023-08-01 04:56:02
Abstract :
Reduksi sampah di Kota Kediri di tahun 2021 baru mencapai 13,58% dari target 30% reduksi di tahun 2025. Permasalahan lain adalah bahwa TPA Klotok yang melayani Kota Kediri diperkirakan akan penuh pada tahun 2023. Kecamatan Pesantren adalah kecamatan terluas kedua di Kota Kediri yang memiliki laju pertumbuhan penduduk selama 10 tahun terakhir yakni sebesar 0,98% jiwa per tahun. Tuntutan reduksi sampah dan perubahan paradigma baru memaksa Kecamatan Pesantren untuk segera dapat mengoptimalkan reduksi sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan potensi reduksi sampah, material flow sampah, serta partisipasi masyarakat dalam mereduksi sampah.
Penelitian ini mengkaji aspek teknis dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam usaha reduksi sampah. Angka reduksi eksisting dikaji dari pengambilan sampel timbulan sampah dengan load count analysis dan komposisi sampah dengan metode quarter. Penentuan sampel TPS dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling dengan memperhitungkan area layanan dan kepadatan penduduk. Aspek sosial tentang partisipasi masyarakat dilakukan dengan wawancara melalui kuesioner. Pengambilan data pimer timbulan, komposisi, densitas sampah, dan partisipasi masyarakat dilakukan dengan sampling sampah, survei, dan wawancara. Data sekunder berupa data fasilitas, kependudukan, peta, dan nilai reduksi sampah teoritis dihimpun dari dokumen pendukung seperti jurnal ilmiah, data pemerintah, berita, dan penelitian terdahulu.
Pada penelitian ini diperoleh angka laju timbulan rata-rata SRT sebesar 0,63 kg/orang/hari dengan komposisi tertinggi adalah sampah sisa makanan sebesar 37,75%. Untuk sampah dari sekolah dan toko swalayan didominasi sampah plastik sedangkan sampah dari pasar didominasi sampah sisa makanan. Total reduksi sampah di Kecamatan Pesantren sebesar 11,21%. Pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat belum selaras dengan perilaku. Masyarakat mendukung upaya pemerintah dalam mereduksi sampah. Namun, kondisi perilaku eksisting masih belum berdampak signifikan terhadap reduksi sampah. Peningkatan reduksi dan penanganan sampah mengacu pada Jakstrada yakni 30% reduksi dan 70% penanganan. Kecamatan Pesantren memiliki total potensi reduksi sebesar 39,29% dari reduksi di sumber sampah dan TPS 3R.
The waste reduction in Kediri City in 2021 has only reached 13.58% of the target of 30% reduction in 2025. Another problem is the TPA Klotok that serving Kediri City was expected to be full in 2023. The Pesantren District is the second largest district in Kediri City which has a population growth rate over the last 10 years of 0.98% of people per year. The demand for waste reduction and a new paradigm shift forced the Pesantren District to immediately optimize waste reduction. This study aims to determine the potential for waste reduction, waste material flow, and community participation in reducing waste. This research examines technical aspects and community participation in waste reduction efforts. The existing reduction rate was studied by obtaining samples from waste generation using a load count analysis and waste composition using the quarter method. The TPS sample were determined by using a purposive sampling methode, considered to service area and population density. The social aspect regarding community participation was carried out by interviewing through a questionnaire to 100 respondents. Primary data collection on waste generation, composition, and density, as well as community participation actions was carried out by waste sampling, surveys, and interviews. Secondary data in the form of facility data, population data, maps, and theoretical waste reduction values were collected from supporting documents such as scientific journals, government?s data, news, and previous research. In this study, the average SRT generation rate was 0.63 kg/capita/day with the highest composition being food waste by 37.75%. The waste from schools and supermarkets was dominated by plastic waste, while the waste from market was dominated by food waste. Existing of reducing solid waste in Pesantren District by 11.21%. The knowledge and attitudes of the people are not in accordance with their behavior. The community was willing to support the government's efforts to reduce solid waste. However, the existing behavior not a significant impact to solid waste reduction. Increasing waste reduction and handling refers to Jakstranas, which is 30% reduction and 70% management. Pesantren District has a total reduction potential of 39.29% from solid waste source and TPS 3R.