Abstract :
Pengembangan berbagai fasilitas eksplorasi, pengolahan, produksi
dan distribusi gas di laut dalam Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun
terakhir menunjukkan pencapaian yang progresif demi memenuhi
kebutuhan domestik maupun luar negeri. Dua FPU (Floating
Production Unit) yang menghubungkan dari Hub Gendalo dan
Hub Gehem akan beroperasi di perairan dalam Selat Makassar,
dimana sweet gas didistribusikan menggunakan pipa gas menuju
pengolahan darat di Santan Terminal. Dalam kasus penelitian ini,
akan dianalisis offshore gas pipeline dengan diameter 20 inch yang
akan digelar dari field Gendalo dan Gehem Kalimantan Timur yang
melewati daerah labuh jangkar. Pada kasus ini akan dilakukan
penilaian risiko terhadap bahaya dari ship sinking, drop anchor dan
drag anchor sesuai DNV-RP-F107 dan DNV-RP-F111. Hal ini
dikarenakan jalur yang dilewati pipa gas tersebut melewati daerah
labuh jangkar kapal. Untuk itu, penilaian risiko terhadap bahaya
tersebut harus dilakukan karena dampak konsekuensi yang
mungkin terjadi yaitu impact, pull over dan hooking dari jangkar
terhadap pipa akan memberikan bahaya bagi operasional kegiatan
eksplorasi, lingkungan dan manusia. Penilaian frekuensi
menggunakan metode ETA (Even Tree Analysis). Penilaian
konsekuensi dan risk matrix berdasarkan standar DNV-RP-F107.
Untuk simulasi dan pemodelan dari pipa untuk load stress analysis
menggunakan software AutoPipe. Hasil dari penilaian risiko yang
dilakukan, level risiko tertinggi pada dropped anchor berada di
zona not acceptable. Untuk level risiko dragged anchor
menunjukkan di zona acceptable. Sedangkan level risiko sinking
vessel, berada di zona ALARP (As Low As Reasonable
Practicable). Mitigasi yang direkomendasikan yaitu dengan
mengkondsikan jalur pipa agar dapat dikubur di dalam seabed.
The development of various exploration, production, processing
and distribution facilities of gas in the Indonesian deep sea in recent
years shows a progressive achievement in order to meet the needs
of both domestic and overseas. Two FPUs (Floating Production
Unit) which connects from the Hub Gendalo and Hub Gehem will
operate in the Makassar Strait, where the sweet gas is distributed
using a gas pipeline to the onshore processing in Santan Terminal.
In this study, offshore gas pipeline with a diameter of 20 inches
that will be held from Gendalo and Gehem fields that pass through
the region of East Kalimantan anchoring area will be analyzed. In
this case, the risk assessment will be carried out against the danger
of the ship sinking, drop anchor and drag anchor according do
DNV-RP-F107 and DNV-RP-F111. This is because the path of the
gas pipeline passes through the ship’s anchoring area. Risk
assessment was conducted to determine the risk level of possible
frequency and consequences for impact, pull over and hooking of
the anchor against the pipeline, which will provide operational
hazard for exploration, environment and human activity.
Frequency assessments using the ETA method to describe the
scenario of the frequency assessment. Consequences assessment
and risk matrix calculation was using the standard DNV-RP-F107.
For simulation and modeling of the pipe for load stress analysis
using software AutoPipe. The results of this assessment is that the
highest risk of dropped anchor assessment is in the not acceptable zone. For dragged anchor assessment is in the acceptable zone, and
the sinking vessel assessment, the risk level shows in the ALARP
(As Low As Reasonable Practicable). Recommended mitigation
for this Chase is to provide protection for buried pipelines in the seabed.