Abstract :
Senyawa 2-metil-4,5-difenil-1H-imidazol dan kompleks
Cu(II) dengan rumus molekul [CuL2Cl2].5H2O; L= 2-metil-4,5-
difenil-1H-imidazol telah berhasil disintesis. Senyawa 2-metil-4,5-
difenil-1H-imidazol dan kompleks Cu(II) berwujud serbuk cokelat
muda dan padatan kristal berwarna merah dengan rendemen
masing-masing sebesar 54,36% dan 93,72%. Senyawa 2-metil-4,5-
difenil-1H-imidazol dikarakterisasi dengan spektrofotometer 1H
dan 13C NMR dan diperkuat dengan hasil spektrofotometer
inframerah, sedangkan kompleks Cu(II) dikarakterisasi dengan
menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis, spektrofotometer
inframerah, CHN Analyzer, SSA dan TGA. Brine Shrimp Lethality
Test (BSLT) dari kompleks Cu(II) dan ligan menunjukkan nilai
LC50 masing-masing sebesar 24,55 dan 192,31 ïg/mL. ========== The compound 2-methyl-4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazole and
complex Cu(II) with molecular formula [CuL2Cl2].5H2O; L= 2-
methyl-4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazole have been successfully
synthesized. The compound 2-methyl-4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazole
and complex Cu(II) intangible light brown powder and solid red
crystal with yield in each of 54.36% and 93.72%. The compound
2-methyl-4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazole was characterized by 1H and
13C NMR spectrophotometer and reinforced with infrared
spectrophotometer, whereas the complex Cu(II) was characterized
by using UV-Vis spectrophotometer, infrared spectrophotometer,
CHN Analyzer, AAS and TGA. Brine Shrimp Lethality Test
(BSLT) of the complex Cu(II) and the ligand showed the value of
LC50 were 24.55 and 192,31 ïg/mL, respectively