Abstract :
Semua pekerja lapangan termasuk parapetugas penyapu jalan diwajibkan menggunakan alat pelindung diridalam bertugas sehari-hari.Seringkali petugas penyapu jalan tidakmematuhi penggunaan alat pelindung diri saat bekerja.Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuifaktor yang melatarbelakangi kepatuhan pemakaian alat pelindung diri pada petugas penyapu jalan di wilayah 9 Sukun Kota Malang
Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Populasi dalan penelitian ini adalah seluruhpetugas penyapu jalan di wilayah 9 Sukun Kota Malang Sebanyak 87 responden. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu sebagian dari pretugas penyapu jalan sebanyak 35 responden. Sampling yang digunakan adalah proportional stratified sampling. Alat ukur menggunakan kuisioner. Analisa data menggunakan editing, coding,scoring,tabulating. Penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 19 juni 2020.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan seluruh responden patuh menggunakan APD saat bekerja sejumlah 35 responden (100%).Berdasarkanindikator sikap hampirseluruhnyadengan kriteria burukyaitu 27 responden (77,2%). Berdasarkan indikatorketersediaan APD sebagianbesardengan kriteria baikyaitu 23 responden (65,7%). Berdasarkan indikator dorongan pemimpin sebagian besar dengan kriteria baik yaitu 20 responden (57,2%). Berdasarkan indicator dorongan motivasi rekan kerja sebagian besar dengan kriteria baikyaitu 25 responden (71,5%).
Kepatuhan dalam menggunakan APD pada petugas penyapu jalan diharapkan mampu meningkatkan derajat kesehatan selama bekerja..
Aprillia, Lintang. 2020.The factors behind the use of personal protective equipment on street sweeping officers in the 9 Sukun area of Malang City.Scientific Papers of Nursing Study Program Poltekkes RS.dr Soepraoen Malang. Supervisior 1. Ns Ardhiles Wahyu K., M.Kep. Supervisor 2 Letkol Ckm (K) Simpen Widayanti, S.Kep, Ners, M.Kes.
All field workers including road sweepers are required to use personal protective equipment in their daily duties. Often road sweepers do not comply with the use of personal protective equipment while working. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors behind
of the use with the use of personal protective equipment on road sweepers in the 9th region of Sukun Malang
The research design used is descriptive. The population in this study were all road sweepers in the area of 9 Sukun Malang, as many as 87 respondents. The sample used was a portion of the 35 street sweeper pretendants. The sampling used is a proportional stratified sampling. Measuring instruments using questionnaires. Data analysis uses editing, coding, scoring, tabulating. The study was conducted on June 19, 2020.
From the results of the study, it was found that all respondents complied with PPE while working as many as 35 respondents (100%). Based on almost all attitude indicators with bad criteria, 27 respondents (77.2%). Based on the indicators of the availability of PPE, most of them with good criteria, namely 23 respondents (65.7%). Based on indicators of encouragement most leaders with good criteria that are 20 respondents (57.2%). Based on the indicators of the motivation of coworkers mostly with good criteria, 25 respondents (71.5%).
Compliance in using PPE on street sweepers is expected to improve health during work.