Politeknik Kesehatan RS Dr Soepraoen Kesdam V
Cahyaningrum, Ayu Wastuti
2023-08-23 03:47:13
Abstract :
Dari total kasus yang positif COVID-19, sebanyak 1.488 pasien tercatat
memiliki penyakit penyerta. Gangguan kardiovaskuler merupakan
komplikasi pada pasien COVID-19. Peneliti menggunakan metode
observasional non eksperimental secara deskriptif. Pengamatan dilakukan
secara retrospektif pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan data
sekunder dari lembar resep pengobatan pasien COVID-19 periode Juli
2021 ? September 2021 diperoleh sampel 51 pasien memenuhi kriteria
inklusi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh karakteristik usia dan jenis
kelamin pasien COVID-19 terbanyak usia 45-65 tahun sebanyak 23 orang
(45,1%), pasien laki-laki sebanyak 28 orang (54,9%). Peresepan antibiotik
Meropenem sebanyak 34 peresepan (14,34%), berdasarkan penggolongan
obat untuk terapi COVID-19 paling banyak Vitamin 81 peresepan (34,18%).
peresepan Atorvastatin sebanyak 27 peresepan dan Candesartan
sebanyak 27 peresepan (27,56%), golongan obat kardiovaskuler paling
banyak golongan Disiplidemia 30 peresepan (30,50%). Terapi kombinasi 6
golongan obat sebanyak 15 peresepan (29,4%) dengan pemberian
terbanyak yaitu Antibiotik + Vitamin + Antivirus + Antikoagulan +
Kortikosteroid + Disiplidemia.
Of the total positive cases of COVID-19, 1,488 patients were recorded to
have co-morbidities. Cardiovascular disorders are a complication in COVID-
19 patients. The researcher used a descriptive non-experimental
observational method. Observations were carried out retrospectively with a
cross sectional approach. Secondary data collection from the COVID-19
patient prescription sheet for the period July 2021 ? September 2021,
obtained a sample of 51 patients who met the inclusion criteria. Based on
the results of the study, the age and sex characteristics of COVID-19
patients were 23 people (45.1%), most of the patients were 28 people
(54.9%). There were 34 prescriptions for the antibiotic Meropenem
(14.34%), based on the classification of drugs for the treatment of COVID-
19 with the most Vitamin 81 prescriptions (34.18%). There are 27
prescriptions for Atorvastatin and 27 prescriptions for Candesartan
(27.56%), the most cardiovascular drug group is the Disciplidemia group
with 30 prescriptions (30.50%). Combination therapy of 6 drug classes was
15 prescriptions (29.4%) with the most administration, namely Antibiotics +
Vitamins + Antivirus + Anticoagulants + Corticosteroids + Disciplidemia.