Abstract :
OSPF (Open Short Path First) is a routing protocol that has properties in the selection of the fastest path and the shortest path on sending data packets to all devices that have IP addresses (Internet Protocol). Current IPv4 addresses almost reach the maximum limit, requiring a wider IP range of IPv6. At this time IPv6 has started to be implemented for networks that use OSPF protocol routing. Therefore this study was designed to compare the performance of IPv4 and IPv6 using OSPF protocol routing. This study used Software GNS3 1.3.11 is used to simulate the design of the created network. The devices used in this research are 8 (eight) routers, 5 (five) switches and use 10 (ten) PCs. In this study will compare the performance on OSPF IPv4 protocol routing with OSPF IPv6 by sending ICMP packets or PING between PCs through 3 scenarios. The first scenario is 40 times the test with 4 delaying cases on each routing protocol OSPF IPv4 and OSPF IPv6. The second scenario is 20 times of testing with 2 cases for path observation and delay used by each routing protocol. The third scenario is used to observe the convergence of OSPF IPv4 and OSPF IPv6 protocol routing. Based on the first scenario the delay difference is 0.3% ─ 1.05% and the second scenario is 2.34%. The paths used in OSPF IPv4 and OSPF IPv6 are the same but the delay on OSPF IPv6 is smaller by 0.00048%. And the convergence difference on OSPF IPv4 is smaller than OSPF IPv6 of 0.9%.