Re-Design Sign System Jembangan Wisata Alam di Kabupaten
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Hernami, Crespo
N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR 
2024-10-11 08:56:18 
Abstract :
Jembangan Wisata Alam is a natural tourist attraction located in Poncowarno District, Kebumen Regency." Currently, Jembagnan Wisata Alam has entered its eleventh year since it first opened in 2012 and already has a sign system, but its condition is not maintained, it is still minimal, and incoherence between sign systems, which can cause confusion for tourists. The aim of this design is to create an effective and efficient visual information system to provide directions and information about locations in the Jembangan Wisata Alam environment. In this research, a qualitative approach was used by collecting data through observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaires, and literature studies. SWOT, USP, and positioning analyzes are used to analyze existing problems and find solutions. The results of the analysis show that Jembangan has the advantage of being the only tourist attraction that has water rides and natural tourism in one place at a time and has a variety of water rides available. In this design, the concept of Jembangan's superiority is used, namely water rides, so it uses symbols of boats and the water ecosystem found in Jembangan. Apart from that, this research created supporting media such as leaflets, rules boards, photobooths and guide maps. The design is carried out by considering readability, context and the message to be conveyed to visitors. The final design of this sign system combines visual elements that are easy to recognize and understand, such as colors and symbols that are in accordance with the characteristics of Jembangan Wisata Alam. Keywords: Sign system, nature tourism, Jembangan Wisata Alam. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto