Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
2024-10-11 08:55:17
Abstract :
This book reveals the reality of the education of Bantargebang scavenger
children, through the medium of photography. In the midst of piles of rubbish
that form the background of their lives, education is often ignored, making it
a dream of hopes and dreams that are difficult to achieve. With a visual
approach, this book not only displays facial portraits and daily activities of
these children, but also examines the challenges and obstacles they face in
obtaining a decent education through a series of in-depth photos from the
field observation process, readers are invited to understand the conditions
faced by children in Bantargebang. This book also highlights the hard efforts
of them and local residents to get an education amidst limitations. Apart from
that, this book also includes interviews with children, as well as teachers and
activists involved in educational efforts in this region. This research uses
descriptive qualitative, because data is obtained by observation, literature
study and documentation. Meanwhile, 5W+1H (what, who, when, why,
where, how) and KFD (know, feel, do) analysis are used to analyze data and
connect messages so that people know, feel and want to do something. The
media for this design is the photography book "Hope of in the Middle of
Trash", and the supporting media used are posters, city transport
advertisements, t-shirts, tote bags and tumblers.
Keywords: Photography Books, Education, Hope, Photos