Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
2024-10-14 08:19:04
Abstract :
Kebumen Regency has many regional cultures, one of which is the tradition of
ngundhuh swallow's nests which is carried out by the community, especially in
Ayah District and Buayan District. However, as time goes by, the culture of
ngundhuh swallow's nest is rarely known, especially by today's younger
generation. This is due to the lack of adequate identification media to introduce the
culture of swallow's nest ngundhuh. Therefore, media is needed to introduce the
culture of swallow's nest ngundhuh so that this culture is known, especially by the
younger generation. In this design, the author designed a book with illustrations of
ngundhuh swallow's nest as an effort to introduce the culture of Kebumen Regency.
The aim of this design is to design an illustration book of Ngundhuh Swallow's Nest
as an effort to introduce the culture of Kebumen Regency, which discusses the
history and process of ngundhuh of swallow's nest. The method used is a qualitative
descriptive method. The analysis methods used are SWOT, USP, and positioning to
analyze and find solutions to existing problems and collect data using interviews,
observation, documentation, and literature study. The result of this design is an
illustrated book entitled "Ngundhuh Swallow's Nest" which includes illustrations.
This design uses the main media as an illustration book and supporting media in
the form of posters, x banners, Instagram social media advertisements, pin and
Keywords: Culture, spiritual, folklore, taking a swallow's nest, illustration book.