Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Yosafat, Efraim Albintoro Nainggolan
NX Arts in general
2024-10-17 06:12:39
Abstract :
Local wisdom is a unique view, a term to indicate the uniqueness that has been the view and
way of life of people in an area for generations. This local wisdom can be lost or claimed by other
regions if no one is aware or aware of the existence of local wisdom. The iron crafts of Pasir Wetan
village are one of the local wisdoms of Banyumas which holds potential within them. However, the
problems that exist in the iron crafts of Pasir Wetan village hinder this potential so that it is not
realized and known by the community. To overcome this problem, a branding design was created so
that the potential of Pasir Wetan village crafts could be recognized and acknowledged by the wider
community. Based on qualitative data collection and the results of analysis through SWOT in
branding, the USP of the Pasir Wetan village iron craft is the name Empu on each production house.
The name Empu has meaning and historical value in it which makes the Pasir Wetan iron craft the
center of the history of the Banyumas Iron Empu. This USP and Positioning are then applied to
several visual communication media with the aim of being recognized and recognized and embedded
in the minds of the wider community. The visual communication media chosen include logos applied
to Instagram media, billboards, directions, signboards, posters and souvenirs.
Keyword: branding, history, design concept