Abstract :
Optical network implementation in Indonesia gave a lot of benefit in supporting the needs of the community. The
example is the implementation using DWDM. DWDM network link Cirebon-Patrol that stretch as far as the 101.8412
km.The research aims to analyze the performance of DWDM link Cirebon-Patrol using the methods of calculation
and measurement. These observations were conducted in January until June 2016.
The calculations being performed include the parameter link budget, availability, and attenuation. The result of
availability from January until June 2016 has not met the standard, because the result is 99.999%. The lowest
availability is 98.782% in April . The attenuation result from OTDR calculation is 25.368 dB and form ITU-T
calculation is 25.268 dB, while based on the data, the result is 24.1 dB. The results of margin power by using the
attenuation calculation of ITU- T is 8.532 dB, and the result of OTDR calculation is 8.632 dB.
Keyword : Fiber Optic, DWDM, Power link budget, Availability, Attenuation