Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Agung Lulut Tirto, Prabowo
T Technology (General)
2021-04-21 03:32:22
Abstract :
Bandwidth is a wide band of frequencies used for transmitting data in electronic transmission medium on data communications. The number of users who use the internet to access unnecessary sites make the ineffective use of available bandwidth. One way to overcome this can be done by using the bandwidth management method. This research comparing the result of methods PCQ and HTB queue using a mikrotik router. PCQ used to optimize QoS with many client, where almost all of them have the same limitations, while HTB used if each client has a different speed limit and priorities in each activities. This research was conducted in order to determine which is the best method to be applied in Dinporabudpar network topology. This research, testing between the two methods by observing the parameters throughput, delay, jitter and packet loss to know which method has the best performance. The data retrieval process is done using a streaming video service with the addition of traffic load of 1 Mbps and 3 Mbps. From the observation results obtained that the performance of HTB better than PCQ refers to the results obtained in this study. In the PCQ method, the resulting throughput value is 0.22 KBps greater than HTB, the PCQ delay value is 0.03 ms smaller than HTB, the PCQ jitter value is 0.24 ms greater than HTB, while the PCQ packet loss value is 0.25% greater than HTB. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the HTB method is more effective in optimizing the use of bandwidth on each computer in Dinporabudpar according to the needs of each client.
Keyword: Bandwidth, PCQ, HTB, QoS