Abstract :
ABSTRACT Availability is a parameter used to determine the reliability of systems on microwave networks. But there are times when the availability generated in system design is not optimal, therefore need to be optimized. Optimization can be done by using space diversity technique, where will be done the addition of antenna diversity to do the optimization. The use of antenna diversity aims to overcome fading so that the value of fading margin obtained large, Research on this final project aims to determine the availability of the most significant of some network conditions. The network used is located above the sea and located in the mountains, Used network data obtained by conducting a case study at PT, Alita Praya Mitra South Jakarta. To know this then do the simulation of network design using software Pathloss 5.0. Networks in the Sea result in increased availability higher than those in the mountains. The increase of network availability in the sea is 0961446%, while the increase in network availability in the mountains 0.060623475%. This is due to the influence of C factor, terrain roughness, and climatic factor. Terrain roughness value of marine tissue is 6.10 meters, while the network in the mountains is 32.10 meters. Then the climatic factor of the marine network is worth 2 while the mountain nctwork is worth 0.25. The smaller the value of terrain roughness and the greater the value of the climatic factor results in an enlarged C factor. The value of C factor of sea tissue is 6e56 while the network in the mountains is 0.1. Kewords: Space Diversity. Pathloss 5.0,Availabiliy