Rancang bangun alat penampil judul buku pada perpustakaan menggunakan RFID berbasis Arduino
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Boris, Beker Firdaus
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-21 08:35:49 
Abstract :
In the modern era a lot of access to search for information from all over the world. One is through the library. With the library we can find, process or store data, which has now been developed in digital form, or known as digital libraries. the larger the library, the problem of maintenance, and library security system will occur. Therefore, the library development based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for the librarian staffs, to help work in the library through the library automation system function, so that the library management process more effective and more efficient. So that the author had the idea to make the system viewer tool titles that could be as an additional facility for the library. This tool works to assist library users in finding books on a bookshelf, by reading the frequency RFID tags on books and then displays a message on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) form of the title, year, and author. RFID tags on books has a unique code that is used as the identity of the book and read by an RFID reader in the effective distance of 1-5 cm with a corner reading 900 if using RFID stickers on the spines of books, is further processed in the microcontroller arduino uno by comparing the identity of the tag and the database on memory card which produces 4 types of output on a 16x4 lcd like Data Valid, Invalid Data, Data Corrupt and Invalid card. And use a push button that as a reset button for further reading, and the buzzer sounds for each reading. Key Words : RFID Reader , RFID Tag, Arduino Uno, Memory Card, Card Reader, LCD 16x4, Buzzer, Push Button. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto