Perancangan desain jaringan Fiber To The Building (FTTB) di Fave Hotel Cilacap menggunakan Software Optisystem
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Famela, Avit Yolanda
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-22 04:15:37 
Abstract :
The development of technology is growing rapidly, along with the needs of communication and information services are increasing, ranging from voice, data, and video services. To meet those needs, fiber optic communication system is one of the answers. Nowadays every place needs fast communication access one of the example is Fave Hotel Cilacap which is growing rapidly in Cilacap area. With the number of users and the increasing level of demand for each user, the design of Fiber To The Building network at Cilacap Hotel Fave is considered strategic, because the user needs will be realized as it should. The method used for this design is using optical system software with GPON technology. This design uses Power Link Budget parameters, Rise Time Budget and Bit Error Rate. The result of manual calculation on power link budget for downlink and uplink is 20,176 dB, using 3 dBm power for downlink, while for uplink use power -3 dBm. The resulting power margin on downlink calculation is 4,824 dB, and for uplink power margin of 0,824 dB. Rise time budget using NRZ coding generated on the downlink calculation is 0.251 ns, and for uplink of 0,2500 ns. And for BER downlink of 1,072 × 10-117, for uplink of 0. In both BER values it is stated to meet the minimum value of BER determined by ITU-T on optical fiber is 10-9. Keywords : power link budget,rise time budget, BER 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto