Perancangan jaringan wan eigrp dengan topologi mesh dan ring mengunakan GNS3 2.0
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Haris, Setyo Sudarmojo
T Technology (General) 
2018-01-17 05:39:34 
Abstract :
WAN networks cover a large area, usually have a lower speed when compared with LAN types. This is because the effect of longer distance and width. This network is usually used to connect between different cities, between countries and even between continents. The transmission medium usually uses a router. In this final project will look for performance performance on WAN network with parameter such as delay, packet loss, and throughput. Designed two WAN network topologies, ie mesh topology and ring topology. And configuration as much as 9 routers and 9 switches from 63 computers that are split between several blocks. In each test where block A becomes source while the other block in the destination. Where the PC on block A sends the packet data as much as 100 times and the packet data is 1000 bytes. In the analysis of the smallest ring delay topology with hop 1 is block B get 60.216 ms, while the biggest delay with hop 4 is block E get the greatest value 152,283 ms. While mesh topology gets delay all the same about 60 ms on each block. Thus the greater the delay, the greater the time it takes to deliver the packet data. The largest throughput result in ring ring B topology gets 132,872 kbps while the smallest throughput of block E gets the value 52,919. Kbps While mesh topology gets throughput all the same around 132 kbps. The greater throughput the performance of a better network in the delivery of packet data. While packet loss in both ring topology and mesh topology is equal to 2% Key Word: GNS 3, ring, mesh, delay, packet loss, throughput 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto