Abstract :
VSAT is an earth terminal that is used for communication of data, voice, and video over satellite. Problem that arise among them are on the performance VSAT-IP and transponder problem. In the performance of VSAT-IP there are problem, among which there are problem in the quality of the signal and quality of the service. On the problem in the quality of signal, there are a factor that influenced in the quality of signal, there are a factor that influenced in the performance of VSAT-IP, there are polarization, interference, device, weather, and obstacle. Beside that on the problems of quality of service, there are some factor that influenced performance of VSAT-IP, there are traffic and sharing bandwidth. The problem transponder is maximum power, saturation, and cross polarization.
The main problem, it?s need to perform the optimization process. Optimization process power link budget parameter is Carier to Noise Density Ratio (C/N), Carier to Interference (C/I), Energy Bit to Noise Ratio (Eb/No), Carier to Interference Ratio Cross Polarization Interference (C/I CPI), Carier to Interference Ratio Adjancent Satellite Interference (C/I ASI), propagation, and other parameters. Based on the results of the optimization process link, resulting value is Carier to Noise Ratio (C/N) is 7.29 dB, Energy Bit to Noise Ratio (Eb/No) is 6.21 dB, Carier to Noise Ratio Cross Polarization Interference (C/I CPI) is 30 dB, Carier to Interference Ratio Adjancent Satellite Interference (C/I ASI) is 24.22 dB, with the resulting availability value is 99.99%. Based on data in the field, it?s recomendation for maintenance Intermodulation, CPI and ASI test on periodic.
Keyword ? VSAT-IP,Optimization Process, Link Budget, Carier to Noise
Ratio (C/N), Energy Bit Noise to Ratio (Eb/No)