Rancangan sabuk pengemudi mobil menggunakan sensor infra merah dan mikrokontrolerberbasis report Short Message Service (SMS)
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Topan, Daniel Nababan
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 04:02:16 
Abstract :
The rise of accident vehicles such as cars that occurred in various regions, often resulting in the driver braked suddenly and hit the windshield of a car it can be prevented if the driver uses the car's driver belt. From the above problems required information that can alert security when driving. At the end of the task the author makes the design of the car's driver belt using infrared sensors and a microcontroller-based report short message service (sms) tool is designed to alert the driver to the driver belt use when driving. This tool uses a sensor that is used as an input to the microcontroller and will be processed by the GSM SIM900A used to send messages to the driver's mobile phone, BUZZER used as a reminder of the sounds and the dc motor is used as a substitute for a car engine. Keywords: safety belt, mikrocontroler, dc motor, Buzzer, GSM SIM900A. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto