Perancangan alat penghapus papan tulis berbasis mikropengendali atmega8535 dengan menggunakan remote control
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Fuad Budi, Asmara
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 03:03:45 
Abstract :
With the development of technology these days is a lot of manual work was replaced by automated tools. White board is one very important tool in teaching and learning, but the learning process is often disrupted by the removal process is done manually, because the teacher or the student must take the time and effort to remove and also in terms of hygiene can interfere with hygiene on teachers and students. Changes to the manual tools can be used automatically. Use of the remote control becomes an option to further simplify the process of the work. Use of the remote control as control removal tool a whiteboard certainly can be one of the practical application of the basic principles and flexible. Where the remote will emit infrared rays (infrared) rays which have a high frequency that cannot be seen by human vision. Rays radiate Infrared Receiver for the receipt by Infrared Receiver then proceeded to the micro to process. The use of mikropengendali as the brain to control the motor DC, motor DC used to drive the eraser board. C language used to write programs on the mikropengendali that are generally small so it can be executed quickly by mikropengendali. This tool has some advantages that may make removal easier and can also save energy because it uses the motor as driving force of the removal. So the existence of this tool doesn’t need to clear the board by manual. Keyword: Remote Control, Infrared Receiver, Microcontroller ATMega8535, C language, Motor DC 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto