Perancangan dan pembuatan sistem pelelangan berita berbasis android
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Adhien, Kenya Anima
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 04:38:58 
Abstract :
Smartphone technologies are growing rapidly causing many people to collect what’s around them, like accident,and natural disaster. Many people documented events for interest or sold to a broadcasting company such as radio station, television and newspaper. But it’s not as easy as it imagined for sell the news obtained, they have to wait for a long time, and uncertainty, such as not replied email, etc. The next problem is in the broadcasting company, which is how to get actual,and updated news. In getting the news, the companyinstruct the journalist to the location, with this system time is the problem, because it took a long time in a trip to get those updated information. To overcome the system weaknesses, there is a solution by hiring freelance journalist or correspondent. But just a few broadcasting companies those applies it because of some factors such as journalistic knowledge, low broadcasting technic and the news validity, so the company has to edit the news and have to be bold to take a risk if the news are not valid, even if it is hoax. To ease people for selling news, and helping broadcasting company to get updated and actual information, the writer is giving a solution by news auction system design and development based on android. This system use the android as a client and a website as administrator.Based on the programs has been created, and tested with black box and white boxtesting, then we get a program that has been in accordance with the design. Keyword: android, auctioning, website, java, broadcasting. 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto