Perancangan sistem alarm menggunakan sensor infra red dengan penambahan webcam sebagai pemantau berbasis mikrokontroler atmega 8
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Afrah, Muqorrobin Aji
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 04:39:29 
Abstract :
Security system room by using sensors Infra Red based microcontrollers with the addition of a webcam as monitors based microcontroller ATMega 8, a security system is a room designed to prevent theft and robbery as well as provide a warning before the occurrence of theft because these sensors are used to detect a movement and have high levels of accuracy tall one. This system works by detecting infrared waves produced by human body heat. To make the security system of this room consists of several parts, the microcontroller ATMega 8 as the system controller, IC RS 232 as pengkonverter data from the microcontroller to computers, transistors, relays, LEDs as indicator lights and buzzer as the alarm sound, and regulators LM7805 to maintain the output voltage. The concept of the design is made is when the sensor one and sensor 2 is blocked it will be regarded as an object that is dangerous, then will be processed by the microcontroller and will dikonverter by the IC so that the data obtained can be read on a computer, the computer the data will be processed later LED will be lit and the buzzer will sound at the same time as its output and expressed in indicators of danger. Results obtained from testing tools that the tools run in accordance with what is expected and the LED indicator lights up and the buzzer sounds to function properly. Advice to make or use the tool of the creators of thesetools need to know really how to work the system and make the system work in conditions verymaximum. Keywords: Microcontroller ATMega8, Infra Red, Webcam 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto