Abstract :
Indoapi Sarana Utama Trading Companies as one of the organization which generate transaction data per day can’t maximize the utilization of such data. It is only stored without further analysis. Needed a method to analyze the shopping cart product sales transaction data use data mining as a technique of data analysis which can help management to gain knowledge based on transaction data during 5 years. One of data mining method is used in this study that is Association Rule by applying FP – Growth algorithm. This method starts from finding frequent itemsets and continued with establishing Association Rules. FP – Growth algorithm is algorithm to find frequent itemsets from transactions data which are stored in database. In this research FP – Growth algorithm is used to help on finding association rules from database of transaction product sales in PD Indoapi Sarana Utama, the result which is gotten from analyzing and implementation the algorithm are valid rules which have tested based on lift ratio result. In this research has resulted 16 valid rules or it has value of lift ratio >1.
Keywords: FP – Growth, Association Rule, Website, Data Mining, Database.