Pemanfaatan SMS gateway dan WEB client server sebagai aplikasi penghubung aktivitas
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Nunu, Alifa C
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 05:00:13 
Abstract :
UKM stands for Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa is college organization which consist of colleger group with same interest about certain activity. UKM consist of caretaker and members which connected with link media. In STTT Telkom Purwokerto, UKM connected through group in social media, but that media need internet connection to be accessed so that it less effective for colleger without internet connection. Because of that, a link application that can be accessed without internet is needed, such as SMS Gateway. Using development method of waterfall which consist of requirement definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing and also operation and maintenance. This system works with supporting applications there are Gammu, XAMPP, MySQL, and PHP. This application dividing by six user consist of two group there are Administrator, Coordinator, BEM and UKM Advisor and also UKM member and Regular colleger as the users whom received information through SMS. Information being sent as two kind there are Broadcast SMS from system and Request SMS which being sent by user whom received information SMS. In each SMS sent there are delay which appeared. Broadcast SMS has total delay of 210,5 second where 284,8 for same operator and 136,2 second for other operator. While SMS request has total delay of 25,1 second where for same operator 19,6 second and other operator is 30,6 second. Total of Broadcast SMS delay is bigger because Broadcast SMS need a queue process in outbox tabel. Keywords: UKM, SMS Gateway, Link Application 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto