Abstract :
Telecommunication technology is grown so fast at this present, for example is
communication system use radio technology. One of functions of the radio is supporting
education activities. Radio transmitter is designed like Frequency Modulation (FM). The
device is needed to make a radio transmitter is power supply. Power supply is electronic
circuit that can change alternating current to direct current. The type of power supply is
designed like linear power supply with IC regulator for IC L7812CV. The input voltage in
system is 220V AC voltage, whereas the output voltage of linear power supply system is
12,57V DC voltage with the current value is no more than 10A. The output of linear power
supply system is used to supply the FM Transmitter device like stereo encoder, modulator
and power amplifier. The voltage of stereo encoder is about 11-18V with 40mA of current.
The voltage of modulator is 12-13,8V with 0,47A of current. Where as the voltage of power
amplifier is about 12-13,8V with 2,14A of current. Linear power supply is designed must
able to produce a stable output voltage with a value of between 12 to 13.8V so as not to
damage the device in FM transmitter system. Based on the voltage and current of each FM
transmitter devices, so the linear power supply is already designed can work well in FM
transmitter system.
Keywords: Frequency Modulation (FM), linear power supply, stereo encoder, modulator,
power amplifier.