Abstract :
Flig ht Information Display System (FIDS) or flight information display system is
an apparatus that has used a computer system that is programmed to be able to display all
things related to aviation activities. As for aircraft departing (Departure) in formation such
as flight number, destination, estimated time of departure, and flight operators. As for the
aircraft to come (arrival) information such as flight number, city of origin, estimated time
of arrival and flight operators. The design automation of the operation of the TV monitor is
intended to facilitate the work operation of FIDS. Automatically in the operation of FIDS
for this job, a TV monitor can not directly display flight information. So it must be
operated (switched on and off) manually. By approaching each TV monitor which has 7
pieces and is located in several places. This work is not only done in the morning but also
done when the electricity supply is turned off then on again. Th e concept of this design
made, namely to parallelize the switches are pressed at the manual operation with contact
normally open (NO) relay. Where, after the draft gets incoming AC supply voltage to a TV
monitor, then thedraft will begin to work and set the working time of the relays. So the NO
relay contacts close alternately , according to the order of pressing the switches on manual
Keywords : Microcontroller ATMega8, FIDS, relay