Abstract :
The developement of technology grows rapidly nowdays. This things happen because of human needed which want to be practise. Through the development of microcontroller which increased so it can be functioned to be solution for many human problem, including transportation parking. The purpose of this final task is to make design of automatic parking system with Arduino Uno based. Arduino Uno minimum system with ATmega 328 have function as work handling from infrared sensor, motor servo, LCD( Liquid Crystal Display), and Buzzer.Work priciple from this tool is infrared circuit sensor which consist of 6 infrared sensor, 3 sensor are located in parking place entry door and 3 sensor are located in exit door. First sensor and second sensor on entry and exit door will be work if both of them being blocked, and third sensor will counting transportation which entering parking area. LCD will displaying the amount of transportation and Buzzer as a notification alarm if the parking area is full.capasity of parking area is 9 cars. From the result of current testing which entering infrared led when being blocked or not has a result of 0,1 Ampere. In photodiode voltage when not being blocked the result 0,1 Volt and when blocked the result 4,9 Volt.
Keyword : Arduino Uno, Infrared Sensor, Motor Servo, LCD 16x2, Mikrokontroller