Abstract :
Telecommunications Technological developments are so rapid construction of
infrastructure Telekomuniksai face broad and diverse socio-cultural conditions and limited
resources . Fiber optics uses light to transmit information (data ).Which is a third -
generation MSAN OAN serve as media liaison remotely by PT Telkom to Telkom
customers . MSAN is an access network that provides a public service to provide
broadband and narrowband services . With the higher individual network users and offices
, will be to deal with existing problems . How does the application of optical fiber systems
as a liaison MSAN . The application of this system required measurement parameters that
affect the optics. Measurement tersbeut suffered a long time if done manually measurement
. To get faster results can be measured via a PC using commant prompt . This
measurement is done to get the Tx and Rx capacity or the sender and receiver . The results
of measurements of Tx and Rx capacity is analyzed how the effect of the results that have
been summed and averaged to influence on how far the distance optical MSAN with
redamanya . At times this results in a real situation the greater the distance the greater the
attenuation of the correlation between the distance attenuation .
Keywords : MSAN , Fiber Optics , Tx and Rx