Rancang bangun alat bantu tuna netra menggunakan sensor jarak uktrasonik berbasis arduino UNO
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Mega, Anggaraheni
T Technology (General) 
2021-04-23 04:56:23 
Abstract :
For the blind, the tools to perform daily activities is needed. When the tolls is not exist the blind will get difficulty to reach the barrier that near of them. The tools that is used to use is a manual tool which is stick. But the stick that is used to use not efficient at range that not so wide, and also not efficient if using in the middle of crowded. Because of that problem of this research is made to help the blind persons, so they can be more aware of the barrier that around them. Ultrasonic distance sensor type HC-SR04 can be use to measure the distance between the user and a barrier around him. The radius that can measure by this sensor is 5 cm to 200 cm. By using arduino uno can maximize the function of the sensor HC-SR04 as the input of aids blind. Arduino Uno is used as the brains of the program aids the blind in this study. The vibrators is using as marker that there is a barrier near of the user. The faster vibration of vibrator, the higher the voltage, and vice versa. While buzzer on this tools is used Keluaran as sount. Output noise is generated when a critical distance <= 100 cm, the buzzer will be in the HIGH for 100 ms, while the distance alert ie> 100 cm to <= 200 cm will be in a HIGH state for 300 ms. Keywords: ultrasonic distance sensor, Sensor HC-SR04, Arduino UNO, Vibrator Mobile, Push Button 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto