Thermo-Hygrmeter digital berbasis arduino uno menggunakan sensor DHT22
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Suyani, .
T Technology (General) 
2018-01-23 08:19:39 
Abstract :
Temperature and humidity are the two parameters that are often used as a benchmark on a wide range of applications. Thermo-hygrometer one of the toolsused to measure temperature and humidity in the room. There are two types of Thermo-hygrometer that is analog and digital. Thermo-hygrometer has been widely used by the public to perform measurements of the temperature and humidity measurement results can be stored and are not observed. The goal of the research is to develop a digital Thermo-hygrometer that has the ability to measure, display and send the temperature and humidity data to the PC. The measuring device using the Arduino, sensor mikropengendali system DHT22 and FTDI232RL modules. From the test results obtained the value of accuracy measurement of temperature and humiditybetween the Sensor DHT22 with Thermo-Analog hygrometer, respectively amounted to 32.8 áµ’ C and 32.5 áµ’ C for temperature and 69,7% and 75.5% for moisture. The average difference in the measurement of both devices namely 0.5 áµ’ C fortemperature and 5.8% for moisture. The value of the average error of the two devices, which is comparisons against the value in the Thermo-hygrometer and analog sensorDHT22 IE 2% to 8% for temperature and humidity. Serial communications (USART) and PC using a bitrate 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and themeasurement results are displayed to the LCD. The device is able to measure, display and transmit data to a PC via serial communications. The device can be developed not only send data to the PC but for the control based on the data received. Keywords : Thermohygrometer Digital, Sensor DHT22, Arduino 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto