Perancangan jaringan lokal akses fiber(jarlokaf) dengan konfigurasi jaringan Fiber To The Home (FTTH) di daerah Nologaten, Caturtunggal Yogyakarta
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
Rizly, Roni Venda Sinaga
T Technology (General) 
2018-01-18 05:50:40 
Abstract :
Demand for communications and entertainment services based on Internet connection that requires a large bandwidth increases with the increase in the number of users, so that the author makes a FTTH design. FTTH (Fiber To The Home) is a technology access network architecture that uses optical fiber as the main medium to the subscriber (last mile). With the use of optical fiber as the main media, FTTH technology has several advantages when compared with network technologies that are still using copper cables or wireless technology. In the planning started from the customer to the STO. Planning begins by conducting customer surveys directly to the field. In this design there are three scenarios that are used, the scenario of passive splitter 1: 4 1: 8, passive splitter 1: 2 1:16 and 1:32 passive splitter. In the third scenario is not much different in terms of tolal damping, the difference is the amount of material used. The number of passes are taken as samples in this planning as many as 548 customers. In passive splitter 1: 4 1: 8 number of ODP is in use by 69 ODP, the passive splitter 1: 2 1:16 ODP number which is in use by 35 ODP, while the passive splitter uses only 18 ODP 1:32. For ODC in use capacity is 96 cores. In this design the author makes a final conclusion which ultimately results in the form of BOQ and link budget. There are three BOQ obtained from the planning which results from the BOQ different from one another. Similarly, the link budget, the calculation of which was obtained linkbudget still included in both categories because it is still below the standard that is equal to 28 dB. Keyword : GPON, FTTH, Fiber Optic. ODP, ODC, Passive Splitter, BoQ, Link Budget 
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Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto