Abstract :
current needs of the internet network are necessary not only for the purposes of a company but also for individuals who need a tool known as a Modem. The modem is a complementary tool to be able to change the signal from an analog signal to a digital signal. Currently, models of modems are varied, such as model of pendrive. One of the modems that are currently already circulating for a long time and is issued by the company from PT Telkom is ADSL Modem (asymmetric digital subcriber line). Form of ADSL technology is Speedy service, which has a downstream ranging from 384 Kbps to 3 Mbps and in the direction of upstsream ranging from 128 Kbps to 512 Kbps. DSLAM (Digital Subcriber Line Acces Multipexer) is a device that exists on a network computer that is later put on the central telephone providers and serves to receive the signal from the connection many customers or DSL (digital subcriber line) or telephone connection. PT Telkom Tbk hasTriple Play Services (Voice, Data and Video). On the research measuring network quality by user with EMBASSY software. After got data network quality from user than analisis comparing basis SNR, Attenuation and Attenuation Rate. Conclusion from this analisis is the farther of the distances costumer from DSLAM can be obtained the value by the user for SNR, Attenuation, and Attainable rate will go down.
Keywords : Modem, ADSL, DSLAM, Triple Play, Software EMBASSY, SNR, Attenuation, Attainable Rate.